Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Cosmetic Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty)

What is a rhinoplasty?

Cosmetic nose surgery, also known as rhinoplasty, can improve the appearance and proportion of your nose – enhancing facial harmony and self-confidence. Cosmetic nose surgery may also improve a breathing problem or correct abnormalities caused by trauma or a birth defect, and the procedure can change your nose’s overall size, tip, bridge and nostrils.

Am I a candidate for cosmetic nose surgery (rhinoplasty)?

Cosmetic nose surgery is a highly individualized procedure, with the best results achieved through a thorough consultation with your cosmetic surgeon. The best candidates for nose surgery include:
  • Individuals whose facial growth is complete; generally, surgery is performed on individuals age 18 or older
  • Individuals who are physically healthy
  • Individuals with a positive outlook and specific, but realistic goals in mind for the improvement of their appearance
  • How do I prepare for cosmetic nose surgery (rhinoplasty)?

    Preparing for your cosmetic nose surgery may include:
    • Lab testing or a medical evaluation
    • Taking photos of your nose to allow for computer images to demonstrate potential post-operative results
    • Taking certain medications or adjusting your current medications
    • Stopping smoking well in advance of surgery
    • Avoiding taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements due to increased risk of bleeding
    • What are the different types of cosmetic nose surgery (rhinoplasty)?

      The two primary types of rhinoplasty include "open" and "closed," though there are other types of cosmetic nose surgery:
      • Open Rhinoplasty is used for major nose reshaping. Incisions are made in the vertical strip of skin separating the nostrils, called the columella. The skin and soft tissue are then lifted off the underlying structures of the nose so the surgeon can see the nasal anatomy.
      • Closed Rhinoplasty is used for minor nose reshaping. Incisions can be made within the nose. The skin of the nose is then separated from the bone and cartilage, which form its supporting framework. Once exposed, bone and cartilage can be removed, reshaped, augmented or rearranged to achieve the desired new shape.
      • Secondary Rhinoplasty. Also called revision rhinoplasty, this is performed to correct problems that persist or develop after a previous nose surgery. Although the problems may be minor and easily corrected, the problems may be more complex, which makes the secondary rhinoplasty more difficult. Secondary rhinoplasty can also be done as an open or closed procedure.
      • Filler Rhinoplasty. This involves the use of injectable fillers to “fill” depressions, smooth out sharp angles or change the angle of the tip of the nose to restore symmetry. For instance, instead of removing a bump, your surgeon would use an injectable filler to make the nose more even. While effective, injectable fillers do not offer permanent results. Learn more about Injectable Fillers.
      • What results can I expect?

        Cosmetic nose surgery can dramatically change your appearance. It is common to feel dissatisfied with the appearance of your nose immediately after surgery. At this point, the nose is still quite swollen and it may take up to a year for your new nasal contour to fully refine.
        During this time, there may be gradual changes in the appearance of your nose as it refines to a more permanent outcome. While the results of cosmetic nose surgery are permanent, the surgery won’t prevent the effects of aging. 

        Is cosmetic nose surgery (rhinoplasty) safe?

        All surgical procedures carry some risk. Possible complications from cosmetic nose surgery include:
        • Swelling around the eyes
        • Bruising around the eyes
        • Bleeding
        • Infection
        • Difficulty breathing
        • Difficulty smelling (usually temporary due to swelling)